September became a busy month full of events, we got few requests from the community to postpone Shopware Stack Days. Understating the challenge, we cancel the event on 23rd and 24th of September and will announce the new date. We are very happy our community is interested in extending and enriching the knowledge base on Stack Overflow. Stay tuned for the new date. 

Until now, Slack has been used as the main forum to ask questions regarding Shopware, and many enthusiastic community members are actively answering all these questions. Slack has some limitations though: the search functionality is quite poor, and there is a limit to the amount of communication that can be saved. Therefore, many questions get asked repeatedly as the answers are lost in time. Great knowledge contributions by community members also get lost. 

Stack Overflow is a great tool for developing a community-driven knowledge base, as all the answers are saved and easily searchable. Shopware decided therefore to push a migration to Stack Overflow when it comes to knowledge exchange (see also this blog from Shopware).

Stack Overflow will then replace the current developer channel on Slack. Slack is still a great tool for connecting with other community members, and will continue to be used for that. Shopware United wants to contribute to the migration by organizing the Shopware Stack Day(s) 

The idea of this day is that anyone around the world can contribute at the same time to answering questions on Stack Overflow. 

Sounds good? We would love for you to participate! Then register directly via the following link.

Sign up for the Shopware Stack Days to get a new date

Interested to know what kind of questions need to be answered? Check out the Shopware Stack Overflow page! Hope to see you there!