We are excited to share the recording from the 13th Shopware United digital meetup, where the topic of discussion was “Shopware’s open source future.” This event featured Mark Stanley, the Chief Product and Technology Officer at Shopware, and Moritz Naczenski, who is also part of the Shopware team. They answered questions from the community about the future of Shopware’s open source platform.

With over 150 registrations, this meetup demonstrated just how important this topic is to the Shopware community. People from all around the world tuned in to learn more about the company’s open source direction and its impact on the eCommerce landscape.

During the meetup, Mark Stanley and Moritz Naczenski shared their insights into the future plans for Shopware’s open source offerings. Based on pre-submitted questions from the community they gave answers to all of them and also addresses addditional questions, which have been asked at the end of the meeting.

For those who missed the live event or would like to revisit the insightful discussion, you can watch the full recording on YouTube. It’s a great way to catch up on all the valuable information shared during the meetup.

Stay tuned for more exciting developments from Shopware as they continue to shape the future of open source eCommerce! Thank you for joining us on this journey of exploration, and we look forward to more exciting discussions and events in the future.