During the next Shopware United community meetup, on 15th April at 1600 CET, we will be talking about PWA / Headless technologies and will answer the question “When and How should I Implement PWA/Headless for Shopware”. We will talk to a range of panelists, representing different experiences, form headless solution vendor to a developer. Our goal is to highlight the factors to consider when making a decision on Shopware fronted implementation. We will aim to make a checklist of the decision areas, benefits, risks, implementation steps and prominent pitfalls so as to ensure success in delivering PWA/Headless projects.
The event will include discussion on the following:
- What aspects need to analyzed when making a decision, what cost factors are relevant
- The challenges in training a frontend team to start implementation
- How do frontend developers gain experience, what are the biggest challenges form frontend developer perspective in becoming a headless developer.
Contributing to the event are:
- Patrick Friday, CEO & Co-Founder @ VueStoreFront
- Jisse Reitsma, Founder @ Yireo and Developers Trainer
- Maciej Kaczorowski, Vue Headless Senior Developer @ Ergonode
- Paolo Mioni, Founder and CTO of it, Board Member of Rabbithole.group
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